About me.

Born in Walthamstow. Currently living in New York. London, Mumbai and Melbourne are all home.

I've lived a privileged life.

I currently focussed on gaining a deeper understanding of my relation to others and the environment.

people \ passion \ psychodynamic spaces \ sport \ no dust \ family \  storytelling \ movement \ simplicity \ purpose. 

I am learning. This space is about that process. It is public, but personal.

The tyranny of the quantifiable is partly the failure of language and discourse to describe more complex, subtle, and fluid phenomena, as well as the failure of those who shape opinions and make decisions to understand and value these slipperier things. It is difficult, sometimes even impossible, to value what cannot be named or described, and so the task of naming and describing is an essential one in any revolt against the status quo of capitalism and consumerism. Ultimately the destruction of the Earth is due in part, perhaps in large part, to a failure of the imagination or to its eclipse by systems of accounting that can’t count what matters. The revolt against this destruction is a revolt of the imagination, in favor of subtleties, of pleasures money can’t buy and corporations can’t command, of being producers rather than consumers of meaning, of the slow, the meandering, the digressive, the exploratory, the numinous, the uncertain.
— Woolf's Darkness, Rebecca Solnit